October 11, 2009

October The Eleventh

OUR Father, grant us, this day, the sense of Thy presence to cheer, and Thy light to direct us, and give us strength for Thy service. And yet more, Father, give us Thine own help and blessing in our sorrows, our faintness, our failure and sin. Thou knowest that we cannot bear our burdens alone. We are only little children, and the world seems very dark to us, and our path very hard, if we are alone. But we are Thy little children; and so we know we can come to our Father, to ask Thee to help us, and enliven us, and strengthen us, and give us hope. We are not ashamed of our tears, for our Lord has wept with us. We do not ask Thee to take away our sorrow, for He was made perfect through suffering; but we do ask Thee to be with us as Thou wert with Him, our Father, close to Thy little ones, even as He has promised us - Amen.


1 comment:

  1. The Altar at Home reminds me of Christ's admonition/advice that we go into a closet and speak intimately with Our Creator. This blog is my closet, I dive among the heavy coats and hide my face in the darkness and just breathe for a moment until I regain something resembling 'balance'.
    But you know that, yes?

    Take care.
    Candace in Athens
