January 1, 2009

January the First

ETERNAL God, who makest all things new, and abidest for ever the same, grant us to commence this year in Thy faith, and to continue it in Thy favor, that, being guided in all our doings, and guarded all our days, we may spend our lives in Thy service, and finally, by Thy grace, attain the glory of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. - Amen.

The term "Divine Service" is somewhat unique to Lutheranism, and it reflects the theology of justification held by Lutherans. The term comes from the German word Gottesdiest (God service), and is significant because it reflects the Lutheran belief that the main actor in the Divine Service is God himself and not man. The connotation of the term is that the Word and Sacrament (the two parts of the Divine Service) are gifts that God gives to his people, and therefore Lutherans emphasize God's work rather than that of man. - Wikipedia

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