February 27, 2009

February The Twenty-Seventh

OH LOVE, I stood under the apple branch,
I saw the whipped bay and the small dark islands,
and night sailing the river and the foghorn's word.
My life said to you: I want to love you well.
The wheel goes back and I shall live again,
but the wave turns, my birth arrives and spills
over my breast the world bearing my grave,
and your eyes open in earth. You touched my life.
My life reaches the skin, moves under your smile,
and your shoulders & your throat & your face & and your thighs flash.
I am haunted by interrupted acts,
introspective as a leper, enchanted
by a replulsive clew,
a gross and fugitive movement of the limbs.
Is this the love that shook the lights to flame?
Sheeted avenues thrash in the wind,
torn streets, the savage parks.
I am plunged deep. Must find the midnight cave.

- From III. Les Tendresses Bestiales, by Muriel Rukeyser

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