March 1, 2010

March First

LORD, we go to our daily work; help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is; help us to be faithful in doing it. Let all we do be well done, fit for Thine eye to see. Give us strength to do, patience to bear; let our courage never fail. When we cannot love our work, let us think of it as Thy task; and, by our true love to Thee, make unlovely things shine in the light of Thy great love - Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Gosh, did I ever need this one Monday. Who wants to WORK when there are books to read, movies to see, friends to visit and comfort and cheer, art to make, songs to sing... and then I remember oh yes, work is part of it too.
    And I do like my work...

    Thank you.
