April 24, 2010

April Twenty-Fourth


Beautiful his peacock crown,
so stunningly his turban tied;
his forehead graced by dust
raised by herds of cows;
Upon his breast
a forest garland undulates.
The maiden gazed
upon that fount of nectar,
and became dumb.
Closing her eyes,
mirthfully she called out
(while her fellow maiden said:)
"Open your eyes."
"Why open my eyes
when Krishna's form
dwells within?"

-- RUSKHAN (C. 1505) - Translated by Allen Shapiro and Stephen Schaffer

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I totally love this meditation, and the accompanying artwork! I was shown me some fun artwork of the Hindu deities done by an anime artist... I might have to share one day.
    Take good care.
    Your Friend in Athens.
