April 26, 2009

April The Twenty-Sixth

TODAY let me sense the beauty in ordinary things
Like the earth between my fingers nourishing the plants I've put in the ground.
The tiger lily, the camas flower, the columbine.
Let me admire and appreciate the loveliness of clear, sparkling water
Falling from the bucket I hold tilted
As it descends in a silver chain onto the plant
Small ... green ... ready to become something more.

Like me, the plant senses the earth is important
And holy.
The earth whirls through space
Our time here passes
And the eternities pile one upon another.

Let me sense the beauty of eternity
And the eternity of life of all sorts
And the love others have had for me
And I have had - and do have - for others.

Love, water, sunshine
Let them all work their magic
On me and the plants
I placed in the soil today.

- by the blog author
Venus Barnett trying to raise vegetables in garden of family farm in the Dust Bowl. This is her second planting. A windstorm blew the first seedlings away. Life magazine photo, Oklahoma, 1942, by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt.

1 comment:

  1. Love that photograph and its backstory. Talk about prevailing against odds!
